more from Arnauld / Nicole

Single Idea 10499

[catalogued under 15. Nature of Minds / C. Capacities of Minds / 3. Abstraction by mind]

Full Idea

The mind cannot perfectly understand things that are even slightly composite unless it considers them a part at a time. ...This is generally called knowing by abstraction. (..the human body, for example).

Gist of Idea

We know by abstraction because we only understand composite things a part at a time


Arnauld / Nicole (Logic (Port-Royal Art of Thinking) [1662], I.5)

Book Reference

Arnauld,A/Nicole,P: 'Logic, or the Art of Thinking (Port-Royal)', ed/tr. Buroker,J.V. [CUP 1996], p.37

A Reaction

This adds the interesting thought that the mind is forced to abstract, rather than abstraction being a luxury extra feature. Knowledge through analysis is knowledge by abstraction. Also a nice linking of abstraction to epistemology.