more from Epictetus

Single Idea 23364

[catalogued under 21. Aesthetics / B. Nature of Art / 8. The Arts / b. Literature]

Full Idea

Did not Homer write to show us that the noblest, the strongest, the richest, the handsomest of men may nevertheless be the most unfortunate and wretched, if they do not hold the judgements that they ought to hold?

Gist of Idea

Homer wrote to show that the most blessed men can be ruined by poor judgement


Epictetus (The Discourses [c.56], 4.10.36)

Book Reference

Epictetus: 'The Discourses, The Handbook, Fragments', ed/tr. Gill,C [Everyman 1995], p.277

A Reaction

This seems to be right. He clearly wrote about the greatest and most memorable events of recent times, but not just to record triumphs, because almost every hero (in the Iliad, at least) ends in disaster.