more from Epictetus

Single Idea 23348

[catalogued under 28. God / A. Divine Nature / 6. Divine Morality / a. Divine morality]

Full Idea

God brings benefits; but the good also brings benefit. It would seem, then, that where the true nature of god is, there too is the true nature of good.

Gist of Idea

Both god and the good bring benefits, so their true nature seems to be the same


Epictetus (The Discourses [c.56], 2.08.01)

Book Reference

Epictetus: 'The Discourses, The Handbook, Fragments', ed/tr. Gill,C [Everyman 1995], p.90

A Reaction

An enthymeme, missing the premise that there can only be one source of benefit (which sounds unlikely). Does god bring anything other than benefits? And does the good? I think this is an idea from later platonism.