more from Epictetus

Single Idea 23324

[catalogued under 23. Ethics / C. Virtue Theory / 2. Elements of Virtue Theory / e. Character]

Full Idea

In Epictetus's 'Discourses' the notion of choice [prohairesis] plays perhaps the central role. It is our prohairesis which defines us a person, as the sort of person we are; it is our prohairesis which determines how we behave.

Gist of Idea

In the Discourses choice [prohairesis] defines our character and behaviour


report of Epictetus (The Discourses [c.56]) by Michael Frede - A Free Will 3

Book Reference

Frede,Michael: 'A Free Will' [Univ of California 2011], p.44

A Reaction

Frede is charting the gradual move in Greek philosophy from action by desire, reason and habit to action by the will (which then turns out to be 'free'). Character started as dispositions and ended as choices.

Related Ideas

Idea 23323 Earlier Stoics speak of assent, but not of choice, let alone of a will [Stoic school, by Frede,M]

Idea 23325 Epictetus developed a notion of will as the source of our responsibility [Epictetus, by Frede,M]