more from Stoic school

Single Idea 20776

[catalogued under 2. Reason / C. Styles of Reason / 1. Dialectic]

Full Idea

Dialectical knowledge is about conversing correctly in speeches of question and answer form.

Gist of Idea

Dialectics is mastery of question and answer form


report of Stoic school (fragments/reports [c.200 BCE]) by Diogenes Laertius - Lives of Eminent Philosophers 07.42

Book Reference

'The Stoics Reader', ed/tr. Inwood,B/Gerson,L.P. [Hackett 2008], p.11

A Reaction

The whole of ancient Greek philosophy seems to be aimed at speaking well.

Related Idea

Idea 20782 Dialectic is a virtue which contains other virtues [Stoic school, by Diog. Laertius]