more from Timothy Williamson

Single Idea 6859

[catalogued under 1. Philosophy / H. Continental Philosophy / 1. Continental Philosophy]

Full Idea

Certain advances in philosophical standards have been made within analytic philosophy, and there would be a serious loss of integrity involved in abandoning them in the way required to participate in current continental philosophy.

Gist of Idea

Analytic philosophy has much higher standards of thinking than continental philosophy


Timothy Williamson (Interview with Baggini and Stangroom [2001], p.151)

Book Reference

Baggini,J/Stangroom,J: 'New British Philosophy' [Routledge 2002], p.151

A Reaction

The reply might be to concede the point, but say that the precision and rigour achieved are precisely what debar analytical philosophy from thinking about the really interesting problems. One might as well switch to maths and have done with it.