more from 'works' by Hermann Weyl

Single Idea 15927

[catalogued under 2. Reason / D. Definition / 1. Definitions]

Full Idea

For mathematics, Weyl arrived (by 1917) at a satisfactory list of definition principles: negation, identification of variables, conjunction, disjunction, substitution of constants, and existential quantification over the domain.

Gist of Idea

Definition just needs negation, known variables, conjunction, disjunction, substitution and quantification


report of Hermann Weyl (works [1917]) by Shaughan Lavine - Understanding the Infinite V.3

Book Reference

Lavine,Shaughan: 'Understanding the Infinite' [Harvard 1994], p.125

A Reaction

Lavine summarises this as 'first-order logic with parameters'.