more from 'Against the Ethicists (one book)' by Sextus Empiricus

Single Idea 22752

[catalogued under 2. Reason / A. Nature of Reason / 9. Limits of Reason]

Full Idea

It is not possible either to seek or to doubt without a preconception.

Gist of Idea

Reasoning is impossible without a preconception


Sextus Empiricus (Against the Ethicists (one book) [c.180], II.22)

Book Reference

Sextus Empiricus: 'Against the Physicists/Against the Ethicists', ed/tr. Bury,R.G. [Harvard Loeb 1997], p.395

A Reaction

[Sextus quotes this from 'the sapient Epicurus'] I think this may be a message across the centuries to Hegel, who attempted this impossible feat. My picture of philosophy is a continual shift of the preconceptions, to explore thoroughly.