more from Johann Fichte

Single Idea 23247

[catalogued under 2. Reason / A. Nature of Reason / 8. Naturalising Reason]

Full Idea

Consciousness of the real world proceeds from the need to act, not the other way around. …Practical reason is the root of all reason.

Gist of Idea

The need to act produces consciousness, and practical reason is the root of all reason


Johann Fichte (The Vocation of Man [1800], 3.I)

Book Reference

Fichte,Johann G.: 'The Vocation of Man', ed/tr. Preuss,Peter [Hackett 1987], p.79

A Reaction

Strongly agree with the last part. In my conceptual scheme 'sensible' behaviour (e.g. of animals) precedes, in every way, rational behaviour. Sensible attitudes to quantity and magnitude precede mathematical logic. Minds exist for navigation.