more from Anon (Upan)

Single Idea 8158

[catalogued under 29. Religion / D. Religious Issues / 1. Religious Commitment / e. Fideism]

Full Idea

Do not seek to know Brahman by arguments, for arguments are idle and vain.

Gist of Idea

Do not seek to know Brahman by arguments, for arguments are idle and vain


Anon (Upan) (The Upanishads [c.950 BCE], 'Brihadaranyaka')

Book Reference

'The Upanishads', ed/tr. Prabhavananda /Manchester [Mentor 1957], p.110

A Reaction

In the end all the religions seem to gravitate towards fideism and away from reasoned argument. The Catholic Church may be the last bastion of rational theology. Islam (10th cent), Protestantism (16th) and Judaism (17th) all rejected philosophy.