more from Jeremiah

Single Idea 7346

[catalogued under 24. Political Theory / B. Nature of a State / 1. Purpose of a State]

Full Idea

Jeremiah was the first to perceive the possibility that powerlessness and goodness were somehow linked; ...he comes close to the notion that the state itself was inherently evil.

Gist of Idea

Jeremiah implied a link between weakness and goodness, and the evil of the state


report of Jeremiah (24: Book of Jeremiah [c.570 BCE]) by Paul Johnson - The History of the Jews Pt II

Book Reference

Johnson,Paul: 'A History of the Jews' [Phoenix 1993], p.84

A Reaction

This looks like the first seeds of the anarchist idea. You abandon the state for something 'higher'. 'Perceive' rather begs the question of whether he is right. This is the full 'inversion of values' of Nietzsche.