Rather than knowledge, our epistemic aim may be mere true belief, or else understanding and wisdom
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If we say our cognitive aim is to get knowledge, the opposing views are the naturalistic view that what matters is just true belief (or just 'getting by'), or that there are rival epistemic goods such as understanding and wisdom.
Dougherty,T/Rysiew,P (Experience First (and reply) [2014], p.17)
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[compressed summary] I'm a fan of understanding. The accumulation of propositional knowledge would relish knowing the mass of every grain of sand on a beach. If you say the propositions should be 'important', other values are invoked.
It is nonsense that understanding does not involve knowledge; to understand, you must know
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The proposition that understanding does not involve knowledge is widespread (for example, in discussions of what philosophy aims at), but hardly withstands scrutiny. If you do not know how a jet engine works, you do not understand how it works.
Dougherty,T/Rysiew,P (Experience First (and reply) [2014], p.24)
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This seems a bit disingenuous. As in 'Theaetetus', knowing the million parts of a jet engine is not to understand it. More strongly - how could knowledge of an infinity of separate propositional truths amount to understanding on their own?
If knowledge is unanalysable, that makes justification more important
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If knowledge is indeed unanalyzable, that could be seen as a liberation of justification to assume importance in its own right.
Dougherty,T/Rysiew,P (What is Knowledge-First Epistemology? [2014], p.11)
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[They cite Kvanvig 2003:192 and Greco 2010:9-] See Scruton's Idea 3897. I suspect that we should just give up discussing 'knowledge', which is a woolly and uninformative term, and focus on where the real epistemological action is.