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Ideas of 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury, by Text

[English, 1671 - 1713, Taught by John Locke at Oxford.]

1699 Inquiry Concerning Virtue or Merit
p.110 For Shaftesbury, we must already have a conscience to be motivated to religious obedience [Scruton]
I.II.I p.169 Every creature has a right and a wrong state which guide its actions, so there must be a natural end
I.II.I p.172 A person isn't good if only tying their hands prevents their mischief, so the affections decide a person's morality
I.III.III p.175 If an irrational creature with kind feelings was suddenly given reason, its reason would approve of kind feelings
II.I.III p.180 Self-interest is not intrinsically good, but its absence is evil, as public good needs it
II.II.I p.182 People more obviously enjoy social pleasures than they do eating and drinking
II.II.I p.185 Fear of God is not conscience, which is a natural feeling of offence at bad behaviour
1711 Characteristics
p.22 The disinterested attitude of the judge is the hallmark of a judgement of beauty [Scruton]