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Ideas of Rudolph Carnap, by Text

[German, 1891 - 1970, Born at Ronsdorf, Germany. Pupil of Frege. Taught at the University of California. Quine and Kaplan were pupils.]

1928 The Logical Structure of the World (Aufbau)
p.35 Carnap tried to define all scientific predicates in terms of primitive relations, using type theory [Button]
p.36 All concepts can be derived from a few basics, making possible one science of everything [Brody]
1934 The Logical Syntax of Language
§17 p.78 Each person is free to build their own logic, just by specifying a syntax
p.88- p.414 Carnap defined consequence by contradiction, but this is unintuitive and changes with substitution [Tarski]
1935 Letters to Schlick
1935.12.04 p.374 All translation loses some content (but language does not create reality)
1937 Testability and Meaning
I.440 p.46 In the truth-functional account a burnt-up match was soluble because it never entered water
1947 Meaning and Necessity
p.90 The intension of a sentence is the set of all possible worlds in which it is true [Kaplan]
1950 Empiricism, Semantics and Ontology
p.41 Internal questions about abstractions are trivial, and external ones deeply problematic [Szabó]
p.129 Logical positivists incorporated geometry into logicism, saying axioms are just definitions [Shapiro]
1 p.205 Empiricists tend to reject abstract entities, and to feel sympathy with nominalism
2 p.206 Existence questions are 'internal' (within a framework) or 'external' (concerning the whole framework)
2 p.207 To be 'real' is to be an element of a system, so we cannot ask reality questions about the system itself
2 p.208 We only accept 'things' within a language with formation, testing and acceptance rules
2 p.209 Questions about numbers are answered by analysis, and are analytic, and hence logically true
3 p.214 New linguistic claims about entities are not true or false, but just expedient, fruitful or successful
4 p.217 A linguistic framework involves commitment to entities, so only commitment to the framework is in question
4 p.219 No possible evidence could decide the reality of numbers, so it is a pseudo-question
5 p.221 All linguistic forms in science are merely judged by their efficiency as instruments
1950 Logical Foundations of Probability
Ch.1 p.5 Good explications are exact, fruitful, simple and similar to the explicandum [Salmon]
1959 Elimination of Metaphysics by Analysis of Language
p.69 Metaphysics uses empty words, or just produces pseudo-statements