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13. Knowledge Criteria / D. Scepticism / 2. Types of Scepticism

[different modes of scepticism that seem to arise]

8 ideas
We reveal unreliability in the senses when we cannot discriminate a slow change of colour [Anaxagoras, by Sext.Empiricus]
Mitigated scepticism sensibly confines our enquiries to the narrow capacity of human understanding [Hume]
Hume became a total sceptic, because he believed that reason was a deception [Hume, by Kant]
Humean scepticism, unlike ancient Greek scepticism, accepts the truth of experience as basic [Hegel]
Scepticism can involve discrepancy, relativity, infinity, assumption and circularity [Williams,M]
Constitutive scepticism is about facts, and epistemological scepticism about our ability to know them [Miller,A]
Scepticism is cartesian (sceptical scenarios), or Humean (future), or Pyrrhonian (suspend belief) [Fogelin]
Cartesian scepticism doubts what is true; Kantian scepticism doubts that it is sayable [Button]