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Single Idea 17320

[filed under theme 7. Existence / A. Nature of Existence / 5. Reason for Existence ]

Full Idea

Either p or not-p. If p, then the proposition 'p' is true. If not p, then the proposition 'not p' is true. Either way, something is true. Thus something exists.

Gist of Idea

Either p is true or not-p is true, so something is true, so something exists


David Liggins (Truth-makers and dependence [2012], 10.3 n5)

Book Ref

'Metaphysical Grounding', ed/tr. Correia,F/Schnieder,B [CUP 2012], p.260

A Reaction

Liggins offers this dodgy argument as an objection to conceptual truths having truth-makers.