Single Idea 23562

[catalogued under 23. Ethics / C. Virtue Theory / 3. Virtues / c. Justice]

Full Idea

Each one of us in whom each part is doing its own work will himself be just and do his own. …So it is appropriate for the rational part to rule …and for the spirited part to obey.

Gist of Idea

If the parts of our soul do their correct work, we will be just people, and will act justly


Plato (The Republic [c.371 BCE], 441d)

Book Reference

Plato: 'Complete Works', ed/tr. Cooper,John M. [Hackett 1997], p.1073

A Reaction

'Do his own' must mean play his own part in society correctly, because his internal faculties are also correctly focused on their role. So balancing the three parts in persons and society is not just an analogy, but one leads to the other. See 443e.

Related Idea

Idea 23561 People doing their jobs properly is the fourth cardinal virtue for a city [Plato]