Single Idea 23327

[catalogued under 16. Persons / F. Free Will / 3. Constraints on the will]

Full Idea

With Stoics, and in its wake, we get an enormous expansion of what counts as being forced [biazesthai] or compelled or made to do something, and correspondingly an enormous contraction of what counts as an action of one's own.

Gist of Idea

Stoics expanded the idea of compulsion, and contracted what counts as one's own actions


report of Stoic school (fragments/reports [c.200 BCE]) by Michael Frede - A Free Will 5

Book Reference

Frede,Michael: 'A Free Will' [Univ of California 2011], p.68

A Reaction

The key idea seems to be setting the bar higher for being in control, which eventually leads to the idea of free will. Frede says this does not contract responsibility, because what controls us can be our own fault.

Related Idea

Idea 23330 Freedom is making all things happen by choice, without constraint [Epictetus]